23 August 2007

Accessory & Bribery

No, it's not a felony or a misdemeanor. It's ALL about Xandri.
My Xanna attracts dirt. She's a piglette of the highest level. It's a skill she has honed over long experience, and we've learned to live with her magnetic attraction to all things dirty (and sticky, staining, and . She despises having her hair combed or groomed, and despite loving clothing, she can't keep anything clean. My new crusade has been to have her let me comb her hair, and I have stooped to the lowest level: I am now bribing her.

My mom "cursed" me to have a child "just like me"---and she's right-on with Xandri. I haven't any idea how dirty I was (as my mother would never have allowed dirt), but I do know that what *I* loved as a child, Xandria also adores. To combat Xandri's dislike of personal grooming, I have purchased a variety of accessories that she can wear if I do her hair. On the first day of school, she had pink fake hair to add to a pony tail. It also had "diamond" rhinestones. Yesterday's accessory was a necklace and bracelet she got to wear that (not coincidentally) matched her outfit to perfection. The only catch is that she must remove jewelry after school, but since that's what mama always does, she thinks that's a normal "rule."

Today, Xanadu looked like a big birthday present because her accessory was a huge bundle of ringletted ribbons (very like a bunch of curling ribbon on a gift.) My students love looking out the window, and they're watching the "accessory of the day." Hopefully her love of stuff will continue so that she will get used to being well groomed.
You can thank Grandma Max; I assume *I* learned these skills at home while young. Certainly, it's one I am passing on!

22 August 2007

How Will She Look Like a Million DUCKS?

Here's the shot of our Phippens on the morning that school started. They were so thrilled to be actually starting school. We told Xanna she'd "Look like a million bucks" all dressed up with her hair done, her dress, and her brand-new back-pack. Asa was SO MAD he didn't get a "pack-pack" like "Go-Go" (Diego) that he pouted and cried.

Jack was a bit baffled by what we told Xan. He said, "How will she look like a million DUCKS? That just doesn't make any SENSE!!" And, he's right. It makes no sense at all, but we had a delightful laugh over it. What joy our children bring us.

For example, tonight, Xanadu was singing "Hey, Macarena" in the shower. No person should know the lyrics to that song, and yet, from a 4 year old, they're pretty darn funny. Asa regularly masacres the "ABC's" and delights in singing them poorly over and over and over. His favorite song is actually "Wheels on the Bus." He loves the verse where the wheels go round and round, and he also loves it when the mama says "Sh, sh, sh."

Jackson thinks his teacher, Mr. Porter, is the best thing EVER. He told me that there could be nothing better on earth besides second grade. His teacher not only plays the recorder (Jack was humming the piece he's learning on the recorder), he also plays the guitar. That alone is enough to elevate him to demi-god state. If anyone knows of a good guitar teacher, we're definitely in the market. We also need to buy Jack a new guitar---preferably one that will hold the tune. It's my understanding that Aunt Starr's family has a Gibson guitar connection, so we need to get in touch and buy him a good one.

I'm so tired that I fell asleep putting my shoes on to go to Xanadu's magnet-ball game this evening. Interestingly, her soccer coach is one of my former students! My how the world goes round and round.

John's worked himself crazy, and he's amazing. He gets Jack and Asa to daycare every morning, and he doesn't complain that I'm the world's grumpiest creature in the morning. Sainthood is quickly approaching him.

I can't wait to update you as the year continues. Hopefully you'll get as much kick out of our adventures as we do!

21 August 2007

It All Started...

When I was assigned by the school to have a website. Then, I figured since I was an English teacher, I should have a blog. However, the only folks who care to read my blog are actually family, and I can't allow comments on my school blog---so the phamilia blog is born.

I doubt you'll get to see much from John, but he might surprise me and blog a bit, too. Thus, it shall mostly be the musings from QueenMum, aka me.

Our little darlings started off to school thrilled with their new school supplies, shoes, and clothes. It was a mad dash to be ready before 7:15, but they were up and excited for the day. Even Xanadu let me do more than finger-comb her hair---it was full glitter, a pink fake-ponytail addition, and nylons for her this morning. Quite a feat, indeed, for the "I'll do it my way-Diva." Jackson is thrilled to be attending 2nd grade, and Asa definitely felt the difference this morning as we got ready. He also insisted on being dressed up in his Lightning McQueen shoes and shirt.

I'm off to get the munchkins now. Hopefully they've enjoyed their day in Oz and we can get back to the business at home. I've got my red shoes on, so onward and upward...