Hallowe'en was fun for everyone yesterday. We went to Salt Lake, but we missed everyone. We had a ward carnival and then trunk-or-treating. That meant that the people in our ward didn't come trick-or-treating, so we had an "at-home" night with cider, cookies, popcorn, and John and the 3 older kids watched
Ice Age 3. I answered the door a few times, dealt with the fifth migraine of the week, and watched some procedural crime shows. It was very, very nice to fall back this morning! The kids were up at 6 am, however. That was not nice.
Jack's costume was a cross between an evil wizard/grim reaper; Xandri's dress was darling--black with green, very much like a ball gown; Asa was cute in his Iron Man costume (Max loved his mask!); and Max got to wear several costumes. He wore the Cookie Monster costume, a pirate costume, and any mask he could find. He also had several melt-downs and was in bed, asleep, by 6:30. It's hard to be a 2 year old, most all the time.
I have to find the cord to the camera and then I'll post pictures.