16 September 2008

Beautiful, Beautiful Boy

Jackson has become a Cub Scout! He can hardly stand it; it's the most exciting thing to happen to him ever, I think. He was more excited about being 8 so that he could be a cub scouter than he was to be baptized. In fact, he had earned his Heart of Scouting and his Bobcat awards before he was even baptized!

I get to go to cubs with him every Wednesday. I elected myself as the Advancement Chair on the Cub Scout Committee. I figured if I was the advancement chair for the regular scouts, I should be for the scout that belongs to me. We've had fun this month celebrating cub scout "Buddies" and we're going to have our Court of Honor---I think it's called a Pack Meeting---next Sunday. I have to make the invitations, so I'd best check on the name.

Anyway, there's not much cuter than to see Jackson all decked out in his uniform, hat and all. The best part is how PROUD it makes him to wear it every week. I do, truly, love that part.