05 October 2007

No School for YOU

I delivered a check and some papers I'd graded to the school on Wednesday, and the school secretary told me that if I was on school property again during my maternity leave, I would forfeit my maternity leave entirely! I was shocked, as it's very obvious I can't work---I can't hardly WALK and my shoes don't go on my feet are so swollen!

I delayed as long as I could before I went in for my NST today--and my blood pressure was 170/105, so I had to stay several hours and do several irritating tests. I also have to go back to the hospital to repeat the tests tomorrow. I sure hope everything goes really well because I don't want to spend another weekend in the hospital. That's not my idea of "fun." Plus, I'll be there on Tuesday for the amnio, Wednesday for the delivery, Thursday for the tubal ligation, so... I hope I am home on Friday next week, too!

We're getting SO close, and the kids are excited. I'm excited for it to just be DONE. It'll be nice to be home as a family together and not have to constantly worry about my blood pressure, etc. That will be heaven.

02 October 2007

The Final Countdown

Well, after a LONG weekend at the AF Hospital, they finally sprang me from the joint! I took in over 20 bags of IV fluid, and they said I'd had a wicked, nasty virus (but not cryptosporidium again!!)

We're on schedule to deliver on 10/10/07, but next Tuesday we go for an amnio just to make sure Max's lungs are developed. We're definitely in the final countdown. Jack and Xan are counting down the days, and I guess I am, too. I'll be glad not to be on bedrest anymore, and I'll be glad to have had Max safely. I am not looking forward to being in the hospital another second, but I'll put up with it to be done, done, done!

We should be home with Max by Friday, 10/12/07, or 10/13 at the latest, and I know I'm VERY excited about that!!