We didn't get to see Max's face, as he was curled up, head down, both hands crossed in front of his face. On 2 other occassions, I've gotten lovely shots of his face---and he looks like the other children. Turns out, my nose seems to be dominant. John's grandmother's eyes seem to be dominant, too, so the kids are a great mix. Only time will tell if he got all the dimples and the cleft in his chin. He measures 31 weeks, and for a diabetic, that's perfect when you're 30 weeks. For a Phippen, equally good! LOL.
My liver is not functioning at its peak. I'm suffering from a terrible itch all over my body, mostly on my trunk and legs. It hurts, but I got some cream for it, and hopefully I can make it the next 6 weeks. All that can be done is benadryl and cream---and it doesn't help much. Neither is a "magic bullet"---that's for sure!
I'll be having an amnioscentisis on 10/9/07 to check to see if Max's lungs are mature. He'll be 36 weeks on 10/10, and that's our "expected" delivery date. Hopefully, he'll be born on 10/10 and be healthy and happy. We're in our final count down: 5-4-3-2-1, blast-off!! It's also nice to know that I have a "vacate-by" date.
Good to hear things are well with baby Max. He is destined to be a cutie! So, tell me why they are planning to deliver at 36 weeks? I must have missed that info in past conversations.
It's something in the US called ICP and it's a liver thing. In the UK they call it Obstetric Cholestasis, and it basically makes me miserable. The American websites you search seem really dire, but the UK ones are much less awful. HA. Basically, it just enhances all my negative qualities: I'm nauseous but not hungry; I'm puking but nothing keeps food down; I itch like I have shingles; and every nerve in my body seems to be out-of-sorts. Pretty terrible if you ask me, and I've had terrible before. This definitely is cake AND icing. Whew. Who knew it could get worse. It can ALWAYS get worse.
That is so crazy that its only 6 weeks left. I may seem like it has been forever for you, but it is flying by for me. Glad to know all is well for my little Max. I'm so thrilled that is going to be his name. So jealous that you get to use it and not me. Actually not really just glad that you are. Lova ya!!
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