17 September 2007

33 Weeks

Today I'm 33 weeks pg--according to the hospital. If you go by ultrasound, I roll over on Wednesdays (thus the 10/10 delivery date). Anyway, I was supposed to start Non-Stress Tests last week, and I figured since I was seeing the doctor on Friday, I could put them off. Even as I came home from work today, I figured, "I don't have enough TIME to go do that at the hospital today."

Anyway, I have contractions quite frequently, and I had some often today. So, after a long day at work, (and *I* even cooked dinner!), it was no real surprise that I was contracting. Then, when I spotted, I felt guilty for not going to have the test run, and mostly for running down the hall today at work.

After an hour at labor and delivery (took my best friend RaeLyn with me), I was declared fine (as fine as I can be HA), and sent home. So it was a good test. I passed, Max is great, and Mom and Dad are hoping to make it home from their trip to see the fall foliage before Max comes. It's now only 22 days and change! Wow. Time flies.

1 comment:

Jen (momofmandm) said...

Glad to hear all is good with the little chap. Can't wait to meet my new favorite Max, and see what sibling he looks like. I am still thinking he may look a little like Xan, but who knows he may end up looking like his favorite Aunt Jen. Yeah right like thats ever going to happen. I can't even make my own look like me. Oh well. Ok the yay I'm a llama agian almost made me pee in my pants. I just love you! You are so funny and I miss you. I will see you in atleast 22 days if not sooner. I will save up all my pennies so I can come up and help you with your hoodlums. Love your guts!!