04 February 2008

God Be With You Till We Meet Again

I have been especially touched by the line in my patriarchal blessing that says I need to follow the prophets because I've always simply considered the LIVING prophet. It reminds me that line upon line includes the important messages of the past: plant a garden, every member a missionary, be a worthy, temple attending people, have a year's supply.

I think what I will remember about President Hinckley is that he made me realize that even prophets strive to "stand a little taller" and that even those whom we consider perfect aren't and are consistently working every day to "get up and go to work." When people ask me HOW I do all that I do every day, I always reply, "I get out of bed"--and go and do the work.

My personal motto in life is from my favorite scripture "...that they separated themselves and departed one from another, trusting in the Lord that they should meet again at the close of their harvest; for they supposed that great was the work which they had undertaken."

Every day as I leave my husband, my little kids, my house, end a phone call with my grandparents, I have to hope that we will all meet again at the close of our harvest---when ever that close comes---and that when we meet again, we'll be thrilled to find that we are all "still bretheren in the Lord" and that what I have devoted my life to was a great work, and that my children will know it's a great work.

What I've been inspired to do since the prophet died is to learn for myself what it means to "go forth with faith" knowing that God has a plan for me, and that as I do my best to "stand a little taller" I can be all that He planned for me, that I can fulfill the measure of my creation so that at the end of my harvest, He'll say "Well done" and I can wait for the rest of my loved ones knowing that the work they do here on earth is what they suppose to be great.

President Hinckley was MY prophet---the first prophet I have had a real, true testimony where I knew HE was the right man for the right job, that God had led and guided to lead his church. Now, I will have to find that same testimony about President Monson, and I find that hard and scary, but I will find it because I learned from President Hinckley that "God is at the helm." Time after time he told us that, and I believe him.

I've been struck, over and over again, by how often "God Be With You 'Till We Meet Again" was played; for me, that reflects my hopes and dreams for my family, that we'll be together, encircled about by the angels of heaven; there are those on the other side who are waiting for us to close our missions so we can be together again, too, and when time is endless and forever, we will have all of that to truly be together, to grow, to share, to know. I guess I have never had a stronger testimony of the eternities as I do now, and that is a true blessing from the Lord.


Grandma Max said...

Dear Phippens"
Loved the party on Saturday night, too bad somuch sickness going around.
Today getting nails done etc and getting ready for Hawaii
love you all
your blog is cool
love mom

Jen (momofmandm) said...

That was a fabulous post. I couldn't agree with you more. What a wonderful man he was as was all the other prophets. Your testimony is such a strength to me.