28 February 2008

I Killed the Computer

So... I got about 500 (1/2 an Amazon.com box) of papers recorded. At 3:30am, the computer and the network hiccuped (this is the official term the computer geek at school used) and I lost my grading program! Good news, I had *just* backed up the data. But, I didn't get ALL the papers graded, and my flunking ESL students are FRANTIC because two of them made the baseball team and one of them made the soccer team: those events equal good grades.

Tomorrow is Friday! TGIF. Then on Saturday, I'm hosting a baby shower. I'm thrilled to be doing it, but hope that I have enough energy after the all-nighter.

Gotta go love the kids for a minute. Only 2 of them are currently screaming.

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