28 January 2009

Our Right-Brained Girl

Our little girl is right-brained.  Right-brained people are typically creative.  They're artists, musicians, and the like.  Now, Xan is creative and she likes to color, but that's not how I know she's right-brained.  And, it's not in the fact that if she needs to think about something she looks up to the right (she does this when she's making up a lie--it's true).

Here's how I know she's right-brained.  For the past several weeks, Xan has awaken every couple of nights crying.  She's sitting up in bed, scared.  Her eyes are open, but she's fast asleep.  It's very weird.  I try to calm her and the only way I've found is to get her to wake up.  Once she's awake, the crying stops, she lays down and goes right back to sleep.  I know she's awake if she can answer questions like: "Who am I?" "What's your brother's name?" "What's 2+2?"  While she's still asleep, she can't answer those questions.  Strangely, she never remembers any of it in the morning.

Last night, our strange little ritual occured while Jill was away.  I was trying to get he to answer my standard set of questions and she couldn't.  I had just asked her what 2+2 was and her eyes went up to the right and she couldn't say.  So, I asked a new question, one, incidentally, I'd never asked her before: "What are the colors of the rainbow?" She rapidly replied: "Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet."  I asked, "Who am I?" and she couldn't answer.  She was fast asleep and could rattle off the colors of the rainbow.  Our little girl is right-brained.


Walker Family said...

That is so crazy. It would scare me to death if that happened to me.She is smart just like her mom.

Jillian Preston Phippen said...

The last 2 nights I have been present for the freak outs, and they are AWFUL. She doesn't see us, she doesn't know where she is, she says partial sentences from what she does see, and she shakes from head to toe.

I can also attest: she does know the colors of the rainbow without being awake. Why would anyone put that into their long-term memory?