22 February 2008

Max Moments

Max has figured out his KNEES work!! He's standing on his feet, having someone hold him up, and he's bending his knees up and down, moving! So cute!

Max has also figured out
1. His fist is far superior to his binky
2. He loves 2 fingers very best
3. He complains so people will come and give him attention (such complaining is LOUD and irritating)
4. He asks to eat much, much too soon, so someone will pick him up and snuggle him
5. He loves toys, and everything goes in his mouth
6. He's crazy about his brother Asa
7. He screams, often for no discernable reason
7. He loves bathing
8. Mom's bed is the best bed in the house
9. Mom is superior to any other person, even if some other person is already holding, petting, snuggling, etc., holding him
10. Mom moves faster than the average bear to get to Max.

Max is very bright. And adorable.

20 February 2008

Love One Another

Tonight, as I sit here at Parent/Teacher Conference and wonder why they turned the heat off at 7:30 when we all have to be here until 9, I am catching up on my email. Pastor Chad at the Evangelical Church sent an email (about Lent) reminding us that “By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35.

I'm not really feelin' the love tonight as we do parent/teacher. It's kinda funny how everyone puts on a game-face and comes to school---each parent braced for the best or worst. I can tell where I am in the line-up of teachers by how hostile parents are toward their students, or how frustrated, or how proud. AH, parent/teacher conference. Gotta love it.

I should be grading my 600 essays. Guess I'll get right on that!