08 February 2010

Sunday at the Phippen's...

You'd think Sunday was contagious at the Phippens by how often someone is sick. I guess with six people, someone is bound to be ill, but still. On Sunday morning, John was off on a service project where he and the young men and women went to work at the training center, so when Asa and Max woke up ill, Xandri and Jack were on their own for sacrament meeting. Jackson was so sweet: he volunteered first to go to the Carvers, and then his solution was to walk the "safe" way to the church.

When John came home, I joined Jack and Xan at church. They had found 2 seats at the back of the chapel were quiet. They are so great when it comes to going to church and have practice when I've been sick.

Max definitely didn't feel good on Saturday, Sunday or Monday. Take a look for yourself:

This was as I was trying to convince him to come to the dinner table.

I got his attention...

He's a total ham. He HAD to look at the camera:
Isn't he so cute? Even when he's weeping?

Here's what we coerced Max to the table for... lovely chicken, carrots, baked potatoes, peas, broccoli, and cheese sauce. It was so yummy!

Sunday at our house is pretty great. Come any time.

Bloody week!

Xandri experienced slamming her finger int he door for the first time this week. On Wednesday, only one day after her  piano lesson, Xan managed to catch her THUMB in the door of her dad's car after school. I came home to a blotchy-faced lady, curled on the couch, ice-packed, Dora-watching, and quite exhausted from prolonged crying.

Having slammed my own fingers in my share of doors, I am well aware of the pain of catching a finger in the door. I grew up in the time of steel cars that outweigh small whales. The car we owned when I was a kid was a green station wagon instead of a white Toyota. 

Asa, on the other hand, has had a bloody nose and woken up several times with a bloody nose several times this week. His dad often takes photos and leaves them on the camera to make me laugh... here's this week's offering:
You would be correct to assume that's a band-aid under his nose... which was removed (I was assured) under his photo-shoot. Rolling my eyes here (after a quick giggle).