05 November 2009

Finally Halloween Photos

Asa went as Iron Man eating  his dad's maple bar from Scout Breakfast that morning...

Max went as both a pirate AND Cookie Monster.

Xandri was a witch. Jack was a phantom.

04 November 2009

Dental Visits

I know, I still haven't posted the Halloween pictures. I haven't made a concerted effort to find a cord for the camera, and have just been struck by the fact that I have one in the computer bag.

However, yeserday we went to the dentist. Only Jack has a cavity, but both he and Xandri must have teeth pulled. This seems to be standard procedure for our kids. Their impending pulling will be next Monday, long enough to give their dad and the Tooth Fairy a heads-up.

Max adored his visit to the dentist. He was a trooper, and he did the whole process like a champ. He also enjoyed rifling the prize box and getting a ball. Asa, despite being ill, was OK at the dentist. He threatened to puke on the way home, but made it without needing his doggy bag. Hopefully, he'll soon be better, but he sure looks miserable, on day 3. I saw him briefly before work, hugging the toilet bowl. Poor kid!

02 November 2009

Asa Updates

All day long, I've been getting updates on the Little Man. Asa is sick; he has a headache and keeps trying to throw up. So his dad sends me periodic updates...

I'm headed home to see him next; yesterday he was so tired and whiney he went to bed at 6pm (the regular 6pm, not the daylight-savings-6pm). Poor critter. Hopefully he's better tomorrow because they all have "adventures with the dentist" planned. Exciting!

01 November 2009

Halloween Celebrations

Hallowe'en was fun for everyone yesterday.  We went to Salt Lake, but we missed everyone. We had a ward carnival and then trunk-or-treating. That meant that the people in our ward didn't come trick-or-treating, so we had an "at-home" night with cider, cookies, popcorn, and John and the 3 older kids watched Ice Age 3. I answered the door a few times, dealt with the fifth migraine of the week, and watched some procedural crime shows. It was very, very nice to fall back this morning! The kids were up at 6 am, however. That was not nice.

Jack's costume was a cross between an evil wizard/grim reaper; Xandri's dress was darling--black with green, very much like a ball gown; Asa was cute in his Iron Man costume (Max loved his mask!); and Max got to wear several costumes. He wore the Cookie Monster costume, a pirate costume, and any mask he could find. He also had several melt-downs and was in bed, asleep, by 6:30. It's hard to be a 2 year old, most all the time.

I have to find the cord to the camera and then I'll post pictures.