13 June 2010

Oh what do you do in the summer time??

Since school got out, we've been off to the races, the kids and I. We've been freezing our gizzards out (it snowed a bit the last week of school), and since then it hasn't been particularly warm). We've finally hit a bit of a groove thing. We've worked out our music for the game the kids play to get their chores done, and we've got the days of the week figured out:
Mondays are for field trips
Tuesdays are for piano lessons
Wednesdays are for play dates
Thursdays are for staying in
Fridays are free days...

Here are some fun snap shots of things we've done in the past few weeks:
Mr Max looking SOOOO grown up!!

Asa scoping YOU out...
Memorial Day
Max on Day 1 of potty training (no, it is NOT going well)
Xandri has discovered she can raise 1 eyebrow... and no one else in the family (besides me) can. She's THRILLED. Dad tries, below. She's absolutely delighted.

We spend hours upon hours at track meets with Jackson... ;o)