17 March 2010

Everyone's a Comedian!

Tonight's adventures involved "mom mac-n-cheese" and a funny dinner discussion... which started when Asa, age 4, decided he'd tell me a joke.

"Mama, why did the pineapple cross the road?" he asked.
"I dunno," I replied, "Why did he cross the road?" (Of course, all 4 year old pineapples are male, right?)
"He was thirsty," Asa replied.
"Ah," I said, and Xandri thought this joke was hugely hilarious, mostly because it was not funny in the slightest. SHE had a funny joke however.

"Mom, Why was the cat afraid of the tree?" she asked.
"Hmmm," I said, thinking she looked awfully funny as she sat with her head tilted to the right, her blonde bob tucked behind her ear. "Why was the cat afraid of the tree?"
"She was afraid of the BARK!" Xandri's voice raised into a squeaky giggle. "You see Mama, a tree's skin stuff is called bark. You know, the stuff on the outside?"
"Yeah, I knew that." I said.
"Mom!" Max said. "Look ah me!" He's now 2 and a half years old exactly (in 2 weeks). He held a piece of pizza in one hand and had a plate of mom mac-n-cheese near his other. He tilted his head to his right and repeated, squinting his eye exactly as Xandri had and repeated with exactly the same phrasing she had used and said, "Cat afraid BARK!" and then he fake giggled "Tree!" Everyone around the table laughed very loudly, and he thought he'd told the funniest joke of all. He didn't realize he'd been the joke, and that was probably best.

Jack, in his very wise, almost-10, way, said, "I know a joke!"
"What did the aliens have at the mall?" I, of course, had no idea. The punch line? "Clothes encounters of the first kind." He had two funny ones about skeletons, and a funny one about an elephant and a charge card... but I don't want to spoil Jack's jokes, so that when you see him next, he can tell you himself!

It was a fun night, and they all got brushed, polished, cleaned up, and in bed. We had a nice dinner and good time together.