04 March 2008

Oh, the Frustration!!

Max has moments when he's so frustrated because his skill hasn't caught up with his wants.
He can pass an object from hand t0 hand, but if he drops it, he screams, HOWLS, with frustration. He also knows to complain until he gets someone, anyone, to pick him up. It doesn't seem to matter who's attention it is, excepting Xandri. He knows he's not entirely safe with her!!

He wants to pass the toys hand to hand into his mouth---but he's not always successful, and he frustrates easily. He screams with it, even while he's still got the toy in his hand because it doesn't perform up to his expectation. He can't make it do what he wants, can't make it taste or feel like he wants it to. He is angry WITH THE TOY, even as he gnaws at parts of it. Someone needs to chill out!! It would be funny, if it weren't indicative of how he may react to not-getting-his-way for the rest of his life.

He does like stuffed animals. I never knew what they were good for, before this. I thought they were simply decorative. Imagine my surprise! His favorite object is currently a floppy bear dressed as a blue bunny, or an Eeyore. Both were gifts, and both are loved, so that's good, I guess. I'd be better if he wasn't acting so much like demon spawn.

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