09 September 2008

First Day of School

The kids started school on August 18th. Asa and Xandri tromped back to preschool the first week... here they are getting in the car that first day.

Initially, Xandri's scheme was to wear her
 amazingly long hair in a braid and have people ooooh and aaaahhh over it, and then CHOP IT OFF so they could be so sad. However, once she got to the actual "chop it off" stage, she just couldn't part with it. She loves braids, pony tails, and accessories. One of her favorite thing is to have loads of curls. For her first day of kindergarten with Miss Watanabe, she had me "super curl" her hair.

Asa loves going to the THS Wee Wolf Day Care. It took him a few weeks to figure out how the schedule worked, but he was  a little trooper. Some days the activities completely wear him out and he has to come home for a nap, but he sures enjoys being a wee wolf here. He loves Miss Amy, Miss Rachel, Miss Tregani and Miss Emily. 
He's done well with potty training, and 
had only ONE accident, which is amazing. His shirt here in this photograph reads "My parents are exhausted," and that's insanely true for me.

Jack is in 3rd grade at Bonneville Elementary school and has Mrs. Baudin. He loves her class, but when he clashed with Abby, he was convinced he needed to switch schools. Jack's favorite preparation for school was the "back to school" shopping he did with grandma while mama  and dad were at Wood Badge. He got snazzy new clothes, "fast" shoes, and all black to wear for the first day. He thought he was SO stylish. He loves being stylish.

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